Fisher House Privacy Policy

Fisher House Foundation is committed to protecting your privacy. Fisher House Foundation does not sell, trade, or provide our donor contact information to other organizations. We will use contact information to provide each donor with an acknowledgment letter, a complimentary copy of The Patriot, the Fisher House biannual print magazine, and/or The ePatriot, the Fisher House monthly electronic newsletter. Fisher House Foundation does not use personal information for direct mail or telephone solicitation.

As of 2014, Fisher House Foundation publicly recognizes donors giving $25,000 or more in the Foundation???s annual report. Donors can opt out of this recognition. Should you no longer wish to receive a copy of our print magazine, to keep your donation anonymous, or to change the way your name will appear, please contact us at 888-294-8560 or Should you no longer wish to receive The ePatriot, there is an easy ???unsubscribe??? link in each newsletter.

If you have questions regarding our Privacy Statement, please contact us at or 888-294-8560.