Eligibility Requirements

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  • Your organization must be defined as a Section 501(c) nonprofit of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
  • Your program must improve the quality of life for active duty, reserve, or National Guard and/or veterans and their families.
  • Any organizations proposing programs that will affect or take place on a Department of Defense installation will be asked to present documentation that their programs are approved for operation on a Department of Defense installation by the installation commander or the commander???s designee.
  • Newman???s Own Award grant funds cannot be used to pay salaries or wages. Professional fees will be considered if an expert's specific skills are necessary to execute the program. Ex: mental health counselors, physical therapists, etc.

Further questions concerning eligibility should be directed to Sarah Stec:
1-888-294-8560 or sstec@fisherhouse.org

Programs will be evaluated based upon the following criteria:

  • program description
  • relevance of problem
  • originality/innovation
  • anticipated benefits
  • resources
  • community/command/volunteer support

When submitting an entry, it is understood that the information contained in the entry can be made public by the sponsoring organizations. Winning organizations will be asked to prepare a six-month evaluation of their programs for the award sponsors, detailing how grant funds were expended in the form of a simple budget narrative. Organizations selected to receive grants must use the money received for the specified program.