Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: If I applied in previous years, can I use those same login credentials?
A: No. You must create a new account. You can use the same email address you have used in the past, but you must create a new account versus changing the password from your previous account.

Q. Can an organization submit entries for more than one program?
A. ???Yes. However, each program submitted must have a separate email address/log in.

Q.??? Is this grant program by invitation only?
A.??? No. We encourage any eligible program to apply.

Q.??? When do 2021 grant applications close?
A.???Grant applications for 2021 must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. PT on April 22. No extensions.???

Q.??? Do we need to be a 501(c) nonprofit?
A: Yes.???Your organization must be defined as a Section 501(c) nonprofit of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

Q.??? We are a Congressionally chartered veterans service organization.???Can we apply?
A.??? Yes, if your organization is defined as a Section 501(c) nonprofit of the Internal Revenue Service Code and your program is specifically designed to improve the quality of life for active duty, reserve, or National Guard and/or veterans and their families.

Q.??? Our organization is primarily comprised of volunteers, but there are also some paid professional staff.???Are we eligible?
A.??? Yes. However, Newman???s Own Award grant funds cannot be used to pay salaries or wages. Professional fees will be considered if an expert's specific skills are necessary to execute the program. Ex: mental health counselors, physical therapists, etc.

Q.??? Can we complete a hard copy of the application and submit it by mail or email?
A.??? No.???The 2021 Newman???s Own Award application process must be completed online. Please be sure to spellcheck!

Q.??? Can we submit additional information, such as photos, brochures, news articles, etc. with our application?
A.??? Yes. We allow up to three supporting documents to be attached to your grant application. We cannot accept additional information emailed separately; it must be attached to your online grant application.

Q.??? What is the timeline when applicants will know if they are awarded, and when will grant recipients receive funding?
A. Applicants will be informed whether they were awarded grant funding or not by August. Funds will be distributed to awarded organizations around the time of the ceremony, typically fall.

Q. Who will judge the competition?
A.??? Newman???s Own, Fisher House Foundation, and Military Times will select individuals to serve as judges. Grant recipients are selected by an esteemed judging panel based on the organization???s creativity, innovation, and impact on the community they serve.

Q.??? If my organization is not selected for a grant, can I find out why we were not selected?
A.??? Unfortunately, no.???Due to time constraints, we ask the judges to score each submission based on the criteria listed on the application, and we do not require the judges to submit any notes or records to Fisher House Foundation other than the score he or she awards to each submission. We may contact you for clarification on your application. However, this does not mean your organization will receive funding.???

Q.??? Will there by a ceremony for grant recipients?
A.??? Yes.???The winning organizations will be recognized in a ceremony (date to be determined).???The organizations may send representatives to receive their certificates and awards but grant funds cannot be used to cover travel expenses and must be used for the program for which they were awarded.

Q.??? Where can I obtain more information?
A.??? Fisher House Foundation, Inc. is the program administrator.???The Fisher House website,???,???includes a summary of Previous Years??? Winners, including the program descriptions and email addresses of winners.???You can contact any of them as well as??? (888) 294-8560.

Further questions should be directed to Sarah Stec:

1-888-294-8560 or